This year saw the resignation of three D4PDR Board members as they moved on to new endeavors. Dr. Genester Wilson King, Dr. Peter Grinspoon, and Adriana Kertzer served D4DPR for a combined 16 years and we are forever grateful for their contributions.
Last year during our "rebrand" as D4DPR, we revisited our organization's mission statement, which is "We are a global voice for licensed health professionals and scientists advocating for evidence-based drug policies and best practices that advance public health, reduce stigma, and minimize harm." While we always had "global" as part of our mission, we've primarily focused our efforts in the US. In 2024, we've kept the global aspect of our mission in the forefront of our work, and have had the opportunity to work with physicians and others from outside the us on several projects.
We're pleased to introduce Dr. Mary Eyram Ashinyo (Ghana) and Dr. Mark Tyndall, our two newest international Board members. Welcome Mark and Mary! Learn more on our Leadership page.